| Win32::InstallShield
Win32::InstallShield - InstallShield data file interface
use InstallShield;
# Constructors
$is = Win32::InstallShield->new();
$is = Win32::InstallShield->new( $ism_file );
An OO interface for manipulating InstallShield XML .ism files
This module provides an interface to add, remove and modifify rows in an
InstallShield .ism file. It only supports versions of InstallShield that
save their data as XML.
This example updates the product version.
use Win32::InstallShield;
$is = Win32::InstallShield->new( $ism_file );
Property => 'ProductVersion',
Value => '',
$is->savefile( $ism_file );
$is = Win32::InstallShield->new();
$is = Win32::InstallShield->new( $installshield_filename );
$is = Win32::InstallShield->new( $io_file_handle );
The constructor. Can optionally be called with the same arguments as
Sets the encoding that will be used when writing tables that have
been modified. By default, the encoding will be whatever appears in
the XML declaration at the beginning of the ism. If none appears, no
encoding will be done.
my $encoding = $is->get_encoding();
Returns the encoding that will be used when writing tables that have
been modified. Returns undef if the encoding is unknown, in which
case no encoding will be done.
$is->loadfile( $filename );
$is->loadfile( $io_file_handle );
Loads an InstallShield ism file. Can be called with either a
filename or an IO::File object that is opened in read ("r") mode.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
$is->load( $ism_text );
Loads the supplied text of an InstallShield ism file. Returns 1 on
success, 0 on failure.
$is->savefile( );
$is->savefile( $filename );
$is->savefile( $io_file_handle );
Stores the ism data in a file. Can be called with either a filename
or an IO::File object that is opened in write ("w") mode. If no
argument is passed, and the last load was via a filename, savefile
will default to the filename previously supplied. Returns 1 on
success, 0 on failure.
Returns the ism data as a string.
my $tables = $is->tables();
Returns an arrayref containing a list of all the tables that were
found in the ISM file.
if($is->has_table( 'ModuleSignature' ) {
print "This is a merge module\n";
Returns true if a table exists with the supplied name, false
otherwise. Table names are case-insensitive.
my $is_key = $is->column_is_key( $table, $column_name );
Returns true if the column is a key column, false other wise.
Returns undef if the column doesn't exist.
my $width = $is->column_width( $table, $column_name );
Returns the width of the named column. Returns undef if the column
doesn't exist.
my $type = $is->column_type( $table, $column_name );
Returns the type of the named column. Returns undef if the column
doesn't exist.
my $columns = $is->columns( $table );
Returns an array ref containing the names of the columns in the
given table.
my $key_columns = $is->key_columns( $table );
Returns an array ref containing the names of the key columns in the
given table.
my $version = $is->property('ProductVersion');
my $success = $is->property('ProductVersion', $version);
Gets or sets the value associated with a property. If a value is
supplied, it will attempt to update the property and return 1 on
success and 0 on failure. undef is returned if the property does not
my $summary_value = $is->summary( $summary_field );
my $success = $is->summary( $summary_field, $value );
my $summary_table = $is->summary;
Gets or sets the value associated with a field in the summary table.
If no field name is provided, a reference to a hash containing all
of the summary field/value pairs.
my @field_names = $is->summary_fields;
Returns a list of the valid fields for the summary table, as they
appear in the DTD embedded in the ISM file.
my $is_valid = $is->valid_summary_field( $field_name );
Returns 1 if the field $field_name is valid according to the DTD in
the ISM file, 0 otherwise.
my $components = $is->featureComponents( $feature );
Returns an arrayref of the components in the named feature. Returns
undef if the feature does not exist.
All of the attribute methods can accept an attribute as either a name or
a value. The name can be prefixed with msidbComponentAttributes as it is
in the MSI documentation, but it is not required.
Valid attributes: LocalOnly 0 SourceOnly 1 Optional 2 RegistryKeyPath 4
SharedDllRefCount 8 Permanent 16 ODBCDataSource 32 Transitive 64
NeverOverwrite 128 64bit 256 DisableRegistryReflection 512
UninstallOnSupersedence 1024 AttributesShared 2048
my $success = $is->set_component_attribute( $component_name, '64bit', 1 );
Update the value of a single component attribute flag. Returns 1 on
success, 0 on failure.
my $is_64bit = $is->get_component_attribute( $component_name, '64bit' );
my $is_shared = $is->get_component_attribute( $component_name, 8 );
Returns 1 if the named component has the given attribute set, 0
otherwise. Returns undef if the component does not exist, or the
attribute is invalid. The attribute name or value can be used.
my $attr_number = $is->get_component_attribute_value( 'LocalOnly' );
Given a component attribute name, returns the bit value associated
with the attribute. The msidbComponentAttributes prefix for
attribute names is accepted, but not required. Given a valid
attribute value, simply returns the value. Returns undef on invalid
my $attr_name = $is->get_component_attribute_name( 512 );
Given a component attribute value, returns the name associated with
the value. Given a valid attribute name, simply returns the name.
The msidbComponentAttributes prefix for attribute names is accepted,
but not required. Returns undef on invalid input.
my @attr_names = $is->valid_component_attributes;
Returns a list of valid attribute names.
Row manipulation methods can be called in different ways. First, they
are all case insensitve, and the '_' is optional, so for the 'Property'
table, these are equivilent:
$is->add_row( 'Property', $rowdata );
$is->AddRow( 'Property', $rowdata );
Also, you can call each method using the table name in place of the word
'row', so these are equivilent to the two above:
$is->add_property( $rowdata );
$is->AddProperty( $rowdata );
All row manipulation methods are called with a set of data describing a
row. In the methods below, it is represented by the variable $rowdata.
It can be passed to the function in one of three formats: a list, an
array ref or a hash ref.
You can simply put the columns in an array in the correct order (which
you can get by looking at the ism or calling the *columns* method), and
pass it to the method.
my @rowdata = ( 'Column_1_Value', 'Column_2_value' );
$success = $is->update_row( $table, @rowdata );
Array ref
You can do the same as above, but pass it as a single array reference.
$success = $is->update_row( $table, \@rowdata );
Hash ref
You can also pass a hash ref, using column names as keys.
my %rowdata = (
Property => 'ProductVersion',
Value => '',
ISComments => '',
$success = $is->update_row( $table, \%rowdata );
my $row = $is->getHash_row( $table, $rowdata );
Returns a hash ref containing the data that matches the keys
supplied in $rowdata. Returns undef if the row is not found.
my $row = $is->getArray_row( $table, $rowdata );
Returns an array ref containing the data that matches the keys
supplied in $rowdata. Returns undef if the row is not found.
my $success = $is->update_row( $table, $rowdata );
Updates the row that matches the keys supplied in $rowdata. Any
columns for which an undef is supplied will remain unchanged. An
empty string will force the column to be empty. Returns 1 on
success, 0 on failure.
my $success = $is->add_row( $table, $rowdata );
Adds a row containing the data in $rowdata. Returns 1 on success, 0
on failure.
my $success = $is->del_row( $table, $rowdata );
Deletes the row that matches the keys supplied in $rowdata. Returns
1 on success, 0 on failure.
$is->purge_row( $table, $rowdata );
$is->purge_row( 'Component', 'Awesome.dll' );
$is->PurgeComponent( 'Awesome.dll' );
Removes the row that matches the key in $rowdata from the given
table, and any rows in other tables with foreign keys that reference
it. Key values are case sensitive. This only works for tables with a
key column that has the same name as the table, which seems to be
the only way you can use foreign keys in an ISM in any case. Returns
1 on success, 0 on failure.
my $success = $is->add_or_update_row( $table, $rowdata );
Adds a row if no row exists with the supplied keys, updates the
matching row otherwise.
my $rows = $is->searchHash_row( $table, $rowdata );
Returns any rows in the given table that match the supplied columns.
The return value is an arrayref, where each entry is a hash as would
be returned by *getHash_row*. Returns an empty arrayref if no
matches are found. Returns the entire table if no $rowdata argument
is provided.
Columns with undefined values will be ignored for matching purposes.
Values used for matching can be either literal strings, in which
case an exact match is required, or quoted regular expressions such
my $rows = $is->searchHash_row( 'Property', { Property=>qr/^_/ } );
This would search for all properties that begin with an underscore.
my $rows = $is->searchArray_row( $table, $rowdata );
Works the same as *searchHash_row*, but returns an arrayref
containing arrayrefs, like *getArray_row* instead of hashrefs.
Kirk Baucom,
Copyright 2003 by Kirk Baucom
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
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